For those of you whom may have missed it:
I am really proud of the Breathe Carolina guys for doing this. While it may not be in line with a traditional "in memory" song, it is perfectly done. I think it truly represents who Lauren was and what she meant to us without losing the classic BC sound. The song is #13 on their new album "Hell Is What You Make It" and is appropriately titled "Lauren's Song"
We still fucking miss you down here, girl. So, so, so much

I am really proud of the Breathe Carolina guys for doing this. While it may not be in line with a traditional "in memory" song, it is perfectly done. I think it truly represents who Lauren was and what she meant to us without losing the classic BC sound. The song is #13 on their new album "Hell Is What You Make It" and is appropriately titled "Lauren's Song"
We still fucking miss you down here, girl. So, so, so much

On a separate note, September 2:
That is a beautiful song.
I was just looking at sippy cups the other day. I'm looking for the whole faux diamond incrusted stuff though, because I'm classy like that.