Surgery went well, no complications and I was back on my feet the next day and able to eat properly 2 days after. The only thing is I got a call from my doctor Friday afternoon saying all tests and biopsies came back normal. I'm disappointed because this means I'm back at square one. Obviously something isn't right and I just want to KNOW.
The week before my surgery was an emotional one for me; Lauren's parents were in town. I got to know her mother very well as I literally saw her everyday she was here. The arraignment did not go good (I'm not at liberty to discuss) and the man has a sentencing date on the 25. I just want him to spend some form of time in jail; he KILLED a person. Since when is that ever ok in today's society? It seems that, since he has no previous record, he honestly may not go away. I think we will all be devastated if that occurs.
Still apartment hunting, sort of. I've found like 3 potentials, just waiting to get approved so I can decide which direction I want to go. I either want to be in downtown or its near vicinity OR NoHo, Studio City, Sherman Oaks, etc. area. It just sucks because I truly cant afford alot but I will make this happen! If any of my LA area friends are in the market for a roomie, email me. Not kidding here guys, I have plans to move within 2 weeks and I honestly don't even know where I'm moving to because my job doesn't know what store I will be transferring to. So at this rate, I'm just going to move to where I want to be.
Photoshoot on 1/30/2011 with Lou Noble. Pre SAG Awards:
Photoshoot on 02/03/2011 with JC Argetsinger. More to follow:
A teaser shot from the upcoming set I did with Milloux that will hopefully be submitted in a week or so:
It's Super Bowl Sunday!! Who are you guys rooting for?! I work overnight but I still get to catch the game Hope to start seeing more of my LA friends (especially Milloux and Ackley) once I am all moved!!
Much Love and a million thanks for all the surgery well wishes,