My life is insanity.
I haven't updated and with good reasons. Everything that has happened over the last 2 weeks has been incredible. Some are small things; others are literally life altering for me.
First off, my chest piece is complete and I have started an arm sleeve, apparently. All courtesy of the ever incredible Mr. SeanHill:

Secondly, I shot a set with Milloux last week and I REALLY REALLY am digging the theme involving it. It's top secret until Milloux is able to get it all ready to submit. I had such a great time with her, I'm really looking forward to not only shooting again ASAP but hanging out in general with that woman! Trust me when I say, she is SOO much sexier in person.
I also got to have a lunch playdate with Ackley this week. I think I may be in love with her. It was nice to have someone to talk to who I feel really gets me, especially right now in my life. She and I are so similar, I'm going to have to check to see if we're related!!! We got to check out the skate park in Venice. Nice relaxed day:

In addition, I got to shoot with the awesome Lou Noble:

So the big things going on in my life:
I'm about to trade suburbia for the city life full-time: I requested a transfer back to the LA Market, official March 1. Commuting back and forth shall be no more!!!
And the biggest news of all...
I have decided, after keeping the desire a secret for over a year now, to go back to school. I have no college under my belt whatsoever, so I need to knock general ed out of the way first. Once that is complete, I will most likely be focusing on English Literature with an emphasis in creative writing and I may also try and minor in journalism, though I do not want to push myself. Since I cannot get the student aid I need until my 24th birthday, which is May 28, I will be attending all online courses starting June 15. If I could get enough funding to quit my management position and be able to live off funding alone, I would, but its not going to happen and I am ok with that. I am beyond nervous, scared and excited all rolled into one. I said I wanted 2011 to be the year of me and that's what I'm truly focusing on: bettering myself as an individual and striving for the goals I wish to achieve
Anytime I think I want to turn back and say forget it, I listen to this song and remember the lyrics. It applies to not just heartbreak, but every aspect of my life:
Before I go, I leave you with this image my friend Adam painted for a class of his:
Crazy right?! I love it!!!
I'm not sure if I can post again before the surgery but I will try!! I hope everyone has an excellent week.
All my love,