Chicago, in photos:
scarekrowand his son:
In total love with Delia:
Amazing to meet the gorgeous ladies Rizzo, Darla, Rosaleigh, Salome, Delia, BelleBane and Oogie.
Thanks to scarekrow and writeboy for putting up with my shenanigans and such. Especially scarekrow. Was definitely waiting for him to punch me in the face by my 2nd day there. Sorry I'm the worst sometimes Matthew.
In other news, the downtime I had on my little outing really, really helped me out massively, I must say. I managed to write 4 additional chapters of my autobiography, another 3 of my sci-fi novel, help re-route 2 tours and edited band shots from eons ago. Here's to using vacations for catching up.
Also, I came home and promptly made these for myself. Vegan pumpkin waffles with strawberries:
Thats it for now. I have multiple procedures and doctors appointments this week, my flare ups have been getting bad and more and more painful over the past few weeks. I weighed in 2 weeks ago at 121 and this morning at 118 with a height of 5'11". Le sigh. Send good vibes towards LA, more specifically, in my direction.
Told ya half of of you would scratch your heads and say "wtf" to Apocalyptica. I stand by it and still adore it. Go check it out if you have not already.

scarekrowand his son:

In total love with Delia:

Amazing to meet the gorgeous ladies Rizzo, Darla, Rosaleigh, Salome, Delia, BelleBane and Oogie.
Thanks to scarekrow and writeboy for putting up with my shenanigans and such. Especially scarekrow. Was definitely waiting for him to punch me in the face by my 2nd day there. Sorry I'm the worst sometimes Matthew.
In other news, the downtime I had on my little outing really, really helped me out massively, I must say. I managed to write 4 additional chapters of my autobiography, another 3 of my sci-fi novel, help re-route 2 tours and edited band shots from eons ago. Here's to using vacations for catching up.
Also, I came home and promptly made these for myself. Vegan pumpkin waffles with strawberries:

Thats it for now. I have multiple procedures and doctors appointments this week, my flare ups have been getting bad and more and more painful over the past few weeks. I weighed in 2 weeks ago at 121 and this morning at 118 with a height of 5'11". Le sigh. Send good vibes towards LA, more specifically, in my direction.
Told ya half of of you would scratch your heads and say "wtf" to Apocalyptica. I stand by it and still adore it. Go check it out if you have not already.
My trip was okay. Stayed indoors the whole time being she was sick! She STILL is too, bummer
they say she has a viral infection. but i also have shitty govt insurance. im just glad all the fevers went away