I have a desire to see what everyone's philosophy on "bisexual" males and females are.
Since a very young age, I knew I found women beautiful beyond what most other girls would. Their figures were gorgeous to me and I wanted to explore their bodies in ways I knew I shouldn't. I kept the feelings secret and never mentioned a word until I met a girl named Norma when I was 18. She was 23 and had a 4 year old daughter. We dated, on and off, for 7 or 8 months until she and her child's father decided to get back together.
After Norma, I hooked up with a girl named Ashley, but it was nothing serious. When I was 21, I fell pretty hard for my piercer (classy, I know) named Kate. The feelings were mutual and I found myself buying this girl roses and going on dates with her. It was so real, so intense to me, yet I never told my family. Only a few close friends knew about it. Why would I do that? In the end, Kate and I didn't work out and I haven't spoken to her in quite sometime. I regret that.
I believe that being "bisexual" is a very real thing, and can be quite an internal conflict for an individual. I have tried a thousand times to explain to one of my closest friends who I truly am, and each time she simply replies that I am "confused" because I'm either "gay or straight. There is no in between." After 15 years of feeling how I feel, I can say whole heartedly that I disagree with that thinking.
My father seems to understand. About 7 months ago, we were talking and he said "You know Bridget, I would not be surprised if you just called me one day and said 'Dad, I got married'. My response to you would be 'Cool, two things: is it to a man or a woman, and where do I send the congratulations card?'"
He gets it. I wish everyone else could be as accepting.
Bisexuals to me are people that are attracted to both sexes and have come to the realization that inside our fleshy suits we are all pretty much the same. We have the same basic needs and wants. It is not because they are confused, they just see people differently.
I think that we love who we love and as long as that person is someone who is worthy of our love, who cares if they have male or female parts. I mean myself I am straight and like guys and find them sexually stimulating and all but I do find women beautiful and if I ever did find myself falling for one I wouldn't be overly surprised because I know so many of them that are worthy of my love and are absolutely lovable themselves