Shit I suck at updating. I have a reason, I swear. Its under spoilers if you care to read. It's a bit lengthy...
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
So I'm staying with my oldest sister right now till everything is figured out. She's 28 and she was with this guy for 2 years. Since I'm not one to call people out, lets just bullshit for a few and name the guy Brian. Not his real name, but work with me here.
Brian and my sister were having hard times and decided to give it a break, during which time my sister met a man we shall call Patrick. Obviously not his real name either, but like you care haha. Patrick and my sister work together. Bad idea, I know, but they began dating, nothing serious, and my sister was still in contact with Brian. Both men knew this and honestly, I think my sister just need to do the whole "i gotta see what's going on before I settle down" type of thing as I was always convinced her and Brian would end up getting married. Once I got down here, she admitted she was ready to be 100% committed to Brian, so she chose to end things entirely and simply be friends with Patrick.
Problem is, this didn't seem to go so ok with Patrick. I mean REALLY NOT OK WITH HIM. He wrote her letters, told me he was in love with my sister and that he hoped I would support him trying to win her back and would tell all of our mutual friends that he refused to let her go. It was getting extremely odd. Finally, last Thursday evening, my sister texted Patrick saying "look, I'm back together with Brian. I wanted to be your friend but you are causing trouble so please stop texting and calling me."
So Friday evening rolls around and my sister hears that Patrick called out of work sick that evening. Brian stays the night and I head to my buddies apartment in Marina Del Rey, relaxed knowing that Brian plus our other male roomie are at the house in case Patrick does something dumb.
Well...Patrick did. At 3am, my sister called me but I missed it as I passed out. I get a text at 5 am saying that Patrick came by the house, marching in military march around the house in the pouring rain and punching my sister's bedroom window. He did this for 45 minutes. My sister called the cops but Patrick sped off by that point. It woke the whole house up and terrified even our guy roommate. (He told me later he was scared for his life because Patrick is an ex-Marine who carries a knife on him at all times.) She got so scared, she and Brian left to stay at Brian's place the rest of the night.
Saturday night, my sister had to actually work with Patrick!! He confessed to everything, saying that he called out of work because he drove by our house and saw Brian's truck the night before. He apologized, but it was that "I did it because I love you" bullshit. He then told my sister he was in love with her and couldn't imagine being without her and wanted to know if he had messed up any chance they had at getting together. NO, YOU'RE INSANE YOU PYSCHO.
Definitely over dramatic, but since I got back Saturday afternoon I basically refuse to leave her alone in the house. He sent her a long email last night that just solidified the creepiness. What's with men being so weird and stalkerish sometimes?!?! I don't believe he loves her, I simply think he's obsessed with her and isn't all there with reality entirely.
ANYWHO!! haha. That's really all I got going on. I'm at my buddies apartment in Marina Del Rey almost every other day because I rarely get to see them. They are leaving in 2 weeks and I'm quite sad about it!! You should check out their new music if you can HERE. It's really amazing.
Week old photo:

Nothing else to say, just hanging out with my sister trying to keep her spirits up. What does everyone have planned for Valentine's Day?