Hi slaves! i have noticed that no matter how much they deni it , men need to talk out thier feelings. its just that us women dont call them on it. i have a co worker ( guy) who has a girl and wanted to bone anouther girl, but now that he has eaten the cake he is concerned that he gonna have feelings for the new piece of cake, and hurt the un eaten portion,. i say you should have thought of this before, and asked all these questions prior to the cake eating. am i wrong?-vhott

In my experience with men, when their dicks get waken up, the grey matter in their skulls unplugs, and they are only thinking through their cock and balls and testosterone. Then the next day, after their brains have been rebooted, they realize that what they have done has consequences. The quality of a man, as far as I am concerned, depends on how well he handles the hurt lover or wife. If he just stubbornly lies and denies, I am most hurt and angry. If he is honest with me and truely sees that his dickhead once again misled him, I usually forgive and forget. After all, no one is perfect.
And Naughty Devil, I have reviewed your answers on the test. I am very impressed with you. Vhott and I will confer, but I think you might have won our hearts and genitals. If vhott agrees, we will be planning a cyber-marriage ceremony for the three of us.