Good morning here in the US and sweeet sexy dreams to my over seas slaves. im in a powerful mood today and im having a hard time focusing my energy. all this positive power and i need to study for my test and im sooo slacking. Raaaaaaaaar!. i havent heard from nogrow now for a week or so, what the hell is going on? im worried. has any one heard from him? oh where art tho nogrow? i love you guys! im going to wake up twixxie!!! keep on being good slaves, i demand that all of my slaves go to our group and follow my demands to the fullest. if you dont i will punish you sevearly.-vhott ps this is a pic of one of my favorite singer song writers... so fuggin hott. Scooter Ward from When November Falls, formaly of Cold.

aye, the pills and positive thinking thing is always a good try. in fact, i find that just completely ignoring the fact you've any problem works sometimes...with physical pain that is

glad your enjoying my stories