merry christmas to one and all!!! i'm back from the little cabin in the woods that held me hostage for the christmas weekend.... i dunno, something about having christmas, in a cabin.. its very much an 'in touch with nature' sort of weekend.. but sleeping more than 8 people, in a cabin that sleeps 8 people..when they're all family is sort of a pain. especially since i'm the youngest. .which meanes somehow that i get to sleep on an air mattress in the kitchen. (it was either the kitchen, the bathtub or the closet.. and i'd already tried the bathtub before in a different hotel place.. wasn't very comfortable.. however this tub was bigger, maybe i should have tried it.. haha oh well, live and learn)
but yes, i'm sleeping in the kitchen.. and in the morning, my uncle was eating breakfast at the kitchen table (directly above my head) and as soon as he noticed me moving he'd start talking to me... on christmas morning he told me it was noon, when it was only 9am... and on the 26th, he told me it was 5pm when it was only 10am... he's funny though, so i forgave him for making me get ready really fast thinking i was going to miss everything.. haha. he's a troublemaker... but he's also the one who, years ago at christmas went to get a christmas tree from the christmas tree place and tied it to the roof of his van to take it home, and forgot that he'd put a tree on the roof. because on his way home, he decided that the van was dirty and he should do something about it.. so he went though a carwash.... with the christmas tree tied to the top!!! yeah, i love my uncle. haha.
and i got to see my little cousin again.. he's 2, and he's the love of my life... and he learned how to body slam... so he made me lay down on the livingroom floor, so he could run up to where i was laying, then jump on my stomach... haha.. and he's such a brat, 'cause he'd go put his hand on the window, make his little hand super cold, then come put it on my tummy... i swear, that boy is gonna be quite a handful when he's a teenager.. haha. but he's also such a sweetheart too... he wanted to go everywhere i went.. if i sat down, he'd drag a chair over so he could sit beside me... *heart melts*
since we weren't at my grandma's house for christmas this year... we pretty much had no traditions that we needed to do... so on christmas morning, my cousins and i decided that we'd go toboggonning... there was a ramp, and jumps, and hills. .it was quite the set up. so we got all bundled up..snowpants, snowboots, scarves, mittens.. toques.. everything, the whole 9 yards.. then found out that it was REALLLY nice outside.. but whatever, i was already dressed, and out on the hill, i wasn't about to go back to change.. haha. so we did a couple of runs down the hill, when i discovered that i could go farther and faster if i layed down on the slidy thing.. SO, i did... i tore down the ramp, sped down the hill and over one of the hills. my cousin later told me that.. i "got some HUGE air"... which is what i figured, because when my back slammed down onto the ground, it knocked the wind out of me.. then my head decided that it wanted to make contact too... it wanted to make friends with the hill aswell.. so it did.. haha.
so in conclusion of this happy holiday story.. .my body may hurt.. and i may have some fantabulous bruises, but the important thing is, that my back and head made a new friend.. the hard packed snow. isn't that what the christmas season is all about?
and happy new year if i'm not back before then...i hope i am, but you never know
but yes, i'm sleeping in the kitchen.. and in the morning, my uncle was eating breakfast at the kitchen table (directly above my head) and as soon as he noticed me moving he'd start talking to me... on christmas morning he told me it was noon, when it was only 9am... and on the 26th, he told me it was 5pm when it was only 10am... he's funny though, so i forgave him for making me get ready really fast thinking i was going to miss everything.. haha. he's a troublemaker... but he's also the one who, years ago at christmas went to get a christmas tree from the christmas tree place and tied it to the roof of his van to take it home, and forgot that he'd put a tree on the roof. because on his way home, he decided that the van was dirty and he should do something about it.. so he went though a carwash.... with the christmas tree tied to the top!!! yeah, i love my uncle. haha.
and i got to see my little cousin again.. he's 2, and he's the love of my life... and he learned how to body slam... so he made me lay down on the livingroom floor, so he could run up to where i was laying, then jump on my stomach... haha.. and he's such a brat, 'cause he'd go put his hand on the window, make his little hand super cold, then come put it on my tummy... i swear, that boy is gonna be quite a handful when he's a teenager.. haha. but he's also such a sweetheart too... he wanted to go everywhere i went.. if i sat down, he'd drag a chair over so he could sit beside me... *heart melts*
since we weren't at my grandma's house for christmas this year... we pretty much had no traditions that we needed to do... so on christmas morning, my cousins and i decided that we'd go toboggonning... there was a ramp, and jumps, and hills. .it was quite the set up. so we got all bundled up..snowpants, snowboots, scarves, mittens.. toques.. everything, the whole 9 yards.. then found out that it was REALLLY nice outside.. but whatever, i was already dressed, and out on the hill, i wasn't about to go back to change.. haha. so we did a couple of runs down the hill, when i discovered that i could go farther and faster if i layed down on the slidy thing.. SO, i did... i tore down the ramp, sped down the hill and over one of the hills. my cousin later told me that.. i "got some HUGE air"... which is what i figured, because when my back slammed down onto the ground, it knocked the wind out of me.. then my head decided that it wanted to make contact too... it wanted to make friends with the hill aswell.. so it did.. haha.
so in conclusion of this happy holiday story.. .my body may hurt.. and i may have some fantabulous bruises, but the important thing is, that my back and head made a new friend.. the hard packed snow. isn't that what the christmas season is all about?

Oh well hope your safe