where does the time go??
i swear it was just yesterday that i updated.. but then i find out.. that i'm wrong. haha.. oh well. exams went as well as can be expected, although i'm completely dreading going back to school.. i'm just so completely not motivated.
I did christmas the other day... i got some pretty stuff... like a coffin purse, the first 100 strongbad e-mails on dvd.. that kinda stuff. oh, and chocolates with booze in them.. i swear, everyone thinks i drink... alot. haha.
but if i were to sum up my past weekend... i'd be forced to agree with them. *shakes her head* you know its bad when your night is STILL coming back to you in bits and pieces from the previous weekend.. all i'll say for now, is that Jagermeister is a good, OH so good habit.. however, beer never made me react the same way.. haha. apparently i talk... ALOT when i'm really drunk... and i know for a fact that i was talking all night on saturday, and yet i have NO idea what i said.. haha.. a buddy of mine said that i told him..that.. "we're meant to be together"... wow. i sure don't remember thinking that, let alone saying that... haha. i'm just thankful my clothes stayed on..
so sorry for the 'not being around-ness' i started work again last friday.. so its the daily grind, (which is really so boring that i can't believe that i get paid....) and i know that i cannot sign in to SG from work, (i work in a government building) or else i'd be on here all day.... and you'd be sick of all the posts i'd be making. guaran-freakin'-teed. so my 'holiday' from school is really a work holiday.. and i had some guy give me shit today for not being open on christmas. some people's kids i tell ya.. besides... i'm a tour guide.. and there have been a total of.. .3 tours in the last 3 days... 2 monday, none yesterday, and one today... seriously, i'm losing my mind. and if i have to keep hearing the same 4 christmas cds... scratch that... if i have to hear the "country heat christmas" CD one more time... i think my brain'll explode.
AND i realised that i'm not done my christmas shopping yet... 3 days, and i'm not done. *sighs* i was SO far ahead of the game, that i clearly forgot that i was playing... and now the game has gotten ahead of me. haha.. SO I'm gonna go show it who's boss.. (me)
i swear it was just yesterday that i updated.. but then i find out.. that i'm wrong. haha.. oh well. exams went as well as can be expected, although i'm completely dreading going back to school.. i'm just so completely not motivated.
I did christmas the other day... i got some pretty stuff... like a coffin purse, the first 100 strongbad e-mails on dvd.. that kinda stuff. oh, and chocolates with booze in them.. i swear, everyone thinks i drink... alot. haha.
but if i were to sum up my past weekend... i'd be forced to agree with them. *shakes her head* you know its bad when your night is STILL coming back to you in bits and pieces from the previous weekend.. all i'll say for now, is that Jagermeister is a good, OH so good habit.. however, beer never made me react the same way.. haha. apparently i talk... ALOT when i'm really drunk... and i know for a fact that i was talking all night on saturday, and yet i have NO idea what i said.. haha.. a buddy of mine said that i told him..that.. "we're meant to be together"... wow. i sure don't remember thinking that, let alone saying that... haha. i'm just thankful my clothes stayed on..
so sorry for the 'not being around-ness' i started work again last friday.. so its the daily grind, (which is really so boring that i can't believe that i get paid....) and i know that i cannot sign in to SG from work, (i work in a government building) or else i'd be on here all day.... and you'd be sick of all the posts i'd be making. guaran-freakin'-teed. so my 'holiday' from school is really a work holiday.. and i had some guy give me shit today for not being open on christmas. some people's kids i tell ya.. besides... i'm a tour guide.. and there have been a total of.. .3 tours in the last 3 days... 2 monday, none yesterday, and one today... seriously, i'm losing my mind. and if i have to keep hearing the same 4 christmas cds... scratch that... if i have to hear the "country heat christmas" CD one more time... i think my brain'll explode.
AND i realised that i'm not done my christmas shopping yet... 3 days, and i'm not done. *sighs* i was SO far ahead of the game, that i clearly forgot that i was playing... and now the game has gotten ahead of me. haha.. SO I'm gonna go show it who's boss.. (me)

well the best thing about this comment is that it's at
1:20am... I guess xmas morning now.... soooo merry xmas.... annnnnd... blah blah blah talk to you soon.