yes i know this is ridiculous | first my keyboard is being strange so i have no punctuation | secondly its been over a year now and i"m curious to know who"s still around from then?
alright, so it seems i go into hiding more often than not... *sighs*
i'm in the middle of exams, right about the same place we first met... same exams, same classes, only now they're finals. so, i've written one, and i've got one tonight, then two next week.. and then, dear friends.. i'm FREE!!! (well, free until at least september...YAY) so that'll be nice. on... Read More
Did you get my gigantic email the other day? Ok, so I took a paragraph writing about my PDA (Cue geek mode) but I felt it got a lot of things off my chest that because I've not spoken to yo9u for som long means I've not had much chance to batter it about with like-minded individuals. Yes, I have friends that share the same tastes and stuff, but really knowin someone who thinks much the same has it's advantages. (this is not a come on at all[unless you wanna ])
hi . i'm back, and i'm around.. and yes, contrary to popular belief, i AM alive!!! i just finished writing a HUGE entry, saying where i've been etc. and then i got distracted by the prospect of changing my display pic, so i did that... without saving my journal update, and lost it all. so i'm a little sad about that... but i guess i'll... Read More
*sighs* where do i begin? well.. *waves* HI! its been forever since i've been here... so... yeah, sorry about that. my mother somehow managed to break the internet.. so that made me infinately sad. so sad that i actually read a book, in 3-4 days.. which may or may not be a huge feat, but i was impressed.
my new years was relatively quiet, but... Read More
merry christmas to one and all!!! i'm back from the little cabin in the woods that held me hostage for the christmas weekend.... i dunno, something about having christmas, in a cabin.. its very much an 'in touch with nature' sort of weekend.. but sleeping more than 8 people, in a cabin that sleeps 8 people..when they're all family is sort of a pain. especially... Read More
hey its good to hear from ya...yah my holidays have been a drunken mess hahaha....ill post pics of my new hair soon hahaha....another drunken mistake is to give yourself a hair cut hahaha.
i swear it was just yesterday that i updated.. but then i find out.. that i'm wrong. haha.. oh well. exams went as well as can be expected, although i'm completely dreading going back to school.. i'm just so completely not motivated.
I did christmas the other day... i got some pretty stuff... like a coffin purse, the first 100... Read More
Hiiiiiii you added me as your friend or something, I'm totally new to this, and frankly.. I don't know why I said frankly.
well the best thing about this comment is that it's at
1:20am... I guess xmas morning now.... soooo merry xmas.... annnnnd... blah blah blah talk to you soon.
my last exam went well!!! thanks for all the well wishes, i have no doubt that it was your faith in me that made me succeed. turns out, the prof wasn't even there for this exam either... it sort of worries me, because he's about 64 years old... i just certainly hope that he's alright.
i'm excited, i found a movie called "kiss me kate",... Read More
You know, all things considered, my trip from Joliette was not so bad. I successfully beat the snow home but in all honesty, Joliette is not a place I would suggest visiting at any given point in the future.
The snow has stopped. Apparently we got 43 cms. total. All I know is that it made walking home from the bar a bit of a trek! But it was well worth it!
So how are you doing young lady? Are you out running amock now that your exams are officially in the past?
I'm really sorry that I've been such a goner for the last two weeks. Job and stress and all. Sorry.
Anyway, things are taking a turn for the better round here. I'm on vacation now, and there's this new girl I've met who's really cheering me up
I'm glad to hear, that my 7-11 story did some good for somebody else than me and my friends
About the piercing... It hurt like I-don't-know-what to have it made, and then it was extremely tender for about 48 hours, but it didn't exactly hurt. Only when I knocked it twice in two hours at my job. Doh!
Anyway, how are you? Staying on the top of things?
and now for something completely different... and now.. an update. haha.
alright... the day has come.. my last exam. and in true exam form... here i am, procrasinating the studying i should be doing.. haha. i'm so happy that i won't be able to complain about school for a while.. but then it'll be work. haha. oh well.
so i'm slowly becoming my usual holiday... Read More
yeah It is a bit presumtious to list "Artist" as occupation, but Yes it does feel good to follow your dream. Although I think there is a long way to go yet and anything can happen! I have been oscilating wildy over the last few months, shifting from euphoria to sheer panic, but I definatly think it is a good thing and I encourage everyone to follow their dream!
If you can't find "White Christmas" look for "Holiday Inn". Same movie but in black and white. I actually went out and bought "White Christmas" It was only something like $12 and it is one of my Christmas favourites.
It's so true about those old movies though. It was a simpler time (at least in the movies) and they are so relaxing and funny. No stress, not surprises just slapstick comedy and singing and dancing!
and i'm back!!! haha. so, my exams pretty near killed me, but i'm here to tell the tale, so that's gotta be a good thing... the worst part is.. that i realized at about 3am last night that i mixed up two words on my logic exam.. which wouldn't be a huge deal, except that it was about defining terms.. and not only was i... Read More
Yay! You're back!!! You are so good for my morale! I'm just happy to be able to see what's in front of me now!!!!
I created a hard and fast rule for Christmas trees because I was experiencing the same delays that you are. The first Sunday in December the tree goes up. Period. No debate, no discussions! So far it's worked out pretty well considering that's about the time the office Christmas parties are starting up as well.
Though, keeping the Christmas tree up till Valentine's day sounds like a GREAT idea. Just change some of the ornements for hearts and cupids (heck the Christmas angels look pretty close. Just remove the harps and horns and substitute bows & arrows!) and you're in business! Artificial trees rock for just that sort of thing!
Sorry to hear about your mom. Hope she's doing better soon. Yeah, I'm excited about X-mas too. I'll be going out to my mom's for christmas eve and spending the night out there. It should be fun. I'll get to hang out with my mom, my little brother and my grandma. My tree isn't up yet either, soon though! Hopefully your will be up soon too!
exam time is upon us... so i get to go crazy for the next week mostly.. 'cause 3 out of 4 of my exams are in the first week.. and from what i can tell, i won't really be stressing out too much about my last exam. the prof has given us the option of about 4 different things for that one... one of the... Read More
You see, that's why we are going to get along so well. Impulsive natures lead to interesting stories!
I'm glad you're about halfway through the joys of exams. Then you'll be able to rest up and enjoy Christmas! And I'm definitely not complaining that you're still on the site, exams or not. You are full of interesting stories!
What I teach? Well, here comes the introduction to the more nerdy side of me, I'm afraid
I teach roleplay and larp at a school for kids aged 13-14 years. It really easy and I make a lots of money doing something I enjoy. Sweet deal, that is