My uterus and all its attachments are ok! The doctor has no idea what happened, but I'm healed up from the biopsy I had, so I shouldn't have anymore problems.
One can hope.
I have about a month and a half until my yearly review at work. I'm hoping I get a significant raise because I've taken on A LOT of extra responsibility since I started working there.
And my clear corners for my car should be here soon! Yay!
One can hope.
I have about a month and a half until my yearly review at work. I'm hoping I get a significant raise because I've taken on A LOT of extra responsibility since I started working there.
And my clear corners for my car should be here soon! Yay!
Glad to hear your uterus is doing ok. 

We were the perfect couple in so many ways. But the ways in which we weren't perfect just...yeah.