Guess what????
My next set (Happiness in a bottle) comes out sept 6th at 7pm.
And I picked out the most vague picture, just to keep you wondering.
(Though I failed already because my profile picture and a previous picture I posted are all from the set)
oh well.
So I had the last 2 days off, and what did I do?
Om nom nom delicious sushi
(I left you some, don't worry )
So I wan't to start another blog, either about horror movies (reviewing them) or about baking.
I'm so torn.
Soooo, I'm gonna go smoke the last bowl I will smoke in a while, but I'll leave you with this;
You stay classy, SG.
Guess what????
My next set (Happiness in a bottle) comes out sept 6th at 7pm.
And I picked out the most vague picture, just to keep you wondering.
(Though I failed already because my profile picture and a previous picture I posted are all from the set)
oh well.
So I had the last 2 days off, and what did I do?
Om nom nom delicious sushi
(I left you some, don't worry )
So I wan't to start another blog, either about horror movies (reviewing them) or about baking.
I'm so torn.
Soooo, I'm gonna go smoke the last bowl I will smoke in a while, but I'll leave you with this;
You stay classy, SG.
You are super stunning =) I cannot wait to see your set =) Oh and sushi is the best =D
I am glad you enjoyed that shit!!! lol I've been trying to come up with a new and more special way to route the filtration on some of my bubblers. Basically that is not too complex, and makes the hit smoother than goose down on a baby's ass. Ok, bad visual. Scratch that. Hopefully you got what I meant And $2000 would be nice too....I would not be complaining at all!