Once again I wasn't really feeling the blog homework, so I went on a fan girl rant. Feel free to comment with any ideas or speculation you have about Force Awakens! I love hearing people predictions for the next movies and what they thought of the current one :)
Straight away I need to warn of the deadly SPOILERS. I’ve been so scared to ruin the movie for people that me and my partner have started jokingly talking in Star Wars code or as we now call it Sons battles. (Seriously think about it, another word for Star – Sun, pretty much all the movies are built on the backbone of a ‘Battle’ between father and son - Sun. That and we’re losers and get to into things).
Annnnyway moving on. I’ve now gone to see Star Wars; Force Awakens twice. The first time so I could fan girl super hard and sit there the whole time in utter wonderment. I tried to walk in with a critical mind the first time but let’s face it nostalgia gets you every time. Which is why I can now confidently say that they nailed this movie, intense childhood nostalgia aside, they did a bloody excellent job. One complaint I have heard from some people is that the storyline is very clearly, close to crushingly obvious, to A New Hope. To just quickly shut that down like a bitch I’ll just state that the biggest and most important god damn constant theme throughout the entire universe that is Star Wars is; History repeats itself. So yeah. Deal. They are very similar but with a couple decades between them and enough questions left answering, i.e. who is Rey’s parents, I feel like they can actually get away with it. But then again I’m not gonna deny that I am incredibly bias because god damn it I fucking loved this movie. Because even though I do feel that although they did make some safe bets (relying on nostalgia and what not) they still had the balls to kill off arguably their most beloved character so there’s that.
Because I am super scared that I am gonna ruin someone’s day with spoilers, here is the point to stop reading if you haven’t seen it yet.
So lets just jump straight to it.
The killing of Han Solo. It hurt, damn it hurt, but I’m so glad they did it. It was completely necessary, watching Harrison Ford running from gunfire was actually painful, I felt really bad for the guy, but that aside it shows that actually had the balls to do it. Because I honestly didn’t think they would, it has made things interesting again. Not being fully confident that your favourite character is going to make it to the next sequel. However, in saying that I don’t think they’re gonna go full Game of Thrones on us and make us live in constant fear that they will never let us have a happy ending. Now what his death does to his son is up for speculation, if this has fully turned him to the dark side and he’ll finish his training or if his struggle between the light and dark continues. To be completely honest I would love to see him go full Darth and just call it a day. I can’t see the guy being able to come back from stabbing his father in the chest. But then again there has been some fan rumouring that Kylo did it just so he would be fully accepted into the First Order and able to complete his training, whilst sabotaging them from the inside. (To be honest I don’t really buy it). Out of all the speculation that has come out about the future for the Star Wars universe its actually the one a care least about. My attention has been stolen by Rey.
FINALLY can I just say a strong female lead. Yes, I know Leia, but finally a leading female with Force abilities. I remember watching these movies growing up and trying to see a female human Jedi. Because whenever you would finally see a random female Jedi in the background of mass fighting scenes chances are she was an Alien of some sort. Which yeah still cool but let’s face it, you wanna see something other than SGI. I absolutely loved seeing the interactions between Rey and Finn. The little things of him constantly trying to some what protect her just to be reminded that she does just okay on her own, but hey team work doesn’t hurt either ay? Character dynamics were on point throughout the movie. They made friendships believable and also without having all the attention drawn to just one character. Everyone had their own backing story with some actual weight. With just over two hours of screen play they managed to make the universe seem alive. Thirty years have past and it really feels like you’ve been left behind. Walking into a story half way through again. Not really most people thing, but for me its on fucking point. We yet again have a vast universe to play around with argue and speculate over still after almost forty years.
So with a good couple hundred words of me rambling, I could really go on but I’m gonna force myself to shut up now, it safe to say I am super excited to be opening up this franchise again with some fresh faces, but that same old nostalgia.
On that note I'm now gonna re-download Knights of the Old Republic II and lose myself in that for a couple of days.