I liked Superman, but can anyone explain to me why a character that is supposed to be somewhere in her 30's was played by someone who looks 19 and is slightly younger than I am. For the Lois Lane in that movie to have a 5 year old the father would have to be at risk of going to prison for friggin statuatory rape.
Thank you, my friend! I kind of surprised myself tonight, to be honest--I didn't expect myself to be posting either one of those things. Guess it happens, right? Hey--freedom of expression! Happy Independence Day!
Geez it's warm out, and you would think that without air conditioning my apartment would be sweltering, but no, it's just a tad warm. Even more interestingly during the winter it stayed quite warm despite my never using the furnace and the cold weather outside. I think I may have made a pact with satan and forgotten about it...again.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say sorry, maaaybe I can lighten up a bit. Just in case you really were being serious. I can hardly believe it but. Whatever. Maybe you stepped out into traffic without lookin.
I'll try to explain this as concisely as I can.
The only reason I took issue with ZPO's statement is because he spoke alot in big absolutes.
" They are not, they will not but then also throws in 50 + .
Along with all the absolutes presented as evidence of responsible use of nuclear weapons simply as political devices I find it disingenuous to to say the least. As if implying no one ever used these for anything but politics. If he had simply said in the past 50 __ I would have had nothing to say. He could have even said " in the past 60 years and 7 month we never. . . ". But he had to say plus. Saying "over" 50 is exactly the same . AT some point "over 50 years " we used 'em a few times too right ? (+) Plus is a very open ended device. Plus what ? 50 + ? plus 1 or plus 200 ?
Well, we all know when and where nuclear weapons have been used, ( or should anyway ) so whats with the +- 50 shit anyway ? It is one of the most well documented events of human history. Even the testing.
We haven't used them since the last time we used them. Period.
Don't you think it a little misleading to speak that way of nuclear weapons, so lightly, with such disregard for when we did use them ?
I have a hard time calling back that far and NOT including the times we used them. You want to look all the way back thru time " 50 + years ! and then stop right after the moment we did use them ? and then point to it saying " look how responsible we are with our big toys we've Alaaawys played nice. . . for thiiiiiiiis long ! "
I'd almost liken it to holocoust denial. It's a little revolting.
I'm not saying anything supportive or critical about the United States use of nukes in the past , present or future. That is a huge other topic. I'd just not like to see people dance around it and act like it never happened.
And if you find yourself not knowing some basic history you can even look it up online in the time it takes you to post a smart ass message or even a protest of your " legitimate " ignorance.
I hope that helps clear up our little tiff. I'm sorry to stomp on you like that . I don't feel it's a contest and I'm not looking for " rounds " or " victories " I'll try to lighten up a little
I am the master of the lame and creepy 1AM (well like 1AM-4AM) email. Ah well, maybe one day I'll grow up, and I feel a lot better with all that crap out of my system (and into a long, creepy and dorky email).
It happens. And hey! You won't have to worry about awkwardly running into her, right?
I suspect I won't end up being one of those "young at heart" people if I pursue this "never growing up" idea.
I'll probably just be immature and irresponsible.
Which actually sounds just fuckin' fine with me, right about now . . . but maybe that's because I'm sleepy, and thinking about being mature and/or responsible when you're sleepy sucks.
My luck with women is beginning to get depressing. It's certainly something about me, but it's difficult to determine precisely what it is. I blame my conditioner, because I can't really change that, now can I?