Bleak, I'm feeling very bleak right now. Can one feel bleak? I'm not entirely sure, but it seems like the correct word.
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Saturday Oct 01, 2005
Entry entry entry. Something clever, but at the same time slightl… -
Friday Sep 30, 2005
Ahh, the older I get, the more fully I understand how it is possible … -
Wednesday Sep 28, 2005
Well the vision of heavenly perfection who sat next to my in ToK move… -
Tuesday Sep 27, 2005
I'm a geek. No really, I am. I was thinking about it for one reason o… -
Monday Sep 26, 2005
It's raining outside and in my head. -
Friday Sep 23, 2005
In my Theory of Knowledge class, I had the good fortune to sit next t… -
Thursday Sep 22, 2005
First day back at school--I felt akward as usual being amongst the pe… -
Thursday Sep 22, 2005
As I patrolled the aisles of the grocery store today, a thought occur… -
Monday Sep 19, 2005
Why is it that I'm such a terrible cook, yet I frequently try to cook… -
Friday Sep 16, 2005
Since moving into my apartment I've narrowly managed to organize it a…
(I hope you feel differently soon, though. *hugs*)