Aaaand a year and a half later I'm back again. Someone anonymously reactivated me. Someone who must have been on some serious drugs at the time, I swear Thank you though, strange and wonderful person.
Man, a lot has changed since I last posted anything on here, a year and some change ago. I cannot complain about my life, I work at a game company and am happy =)
My only counter would be that I would hold that it is not so much shackling as coupling as far as history and biology. I don't think they can be separated out, but neither do I think they determine the precise results which will occur with any given individual, in any given situation.
It's much like electrons in a star- gravity and large scale theory say there will be a star, and that it will no spontaneously evaporate, and largely how it shall behave... but an individual electron there is every bit as much a creature of the quantum, with chance involved, as anywhere else.
So that space was about 2 months old, but I still don't have much to talk about here. I'm still working at the job hunt (I think I've almost got it in the bag, but in a completely different direction than I thought/studied for, which is terrifying) and I'm still living at home (fail). After 2 months, I'm so ready to move on. In other... Read More
Thank you. I mostly just posted someone else's thoughts, but I figured that it would at least give us a scholarly definition/description. I was just happy that it was useful information...
I'm moving out of my apartment today and moving back in with my parents (at least for the time being, while I sort out the permanent job-career for the rest of my life thing). I've been living here for 2 years and 2 weeks almost exactly and I have mixed feelings about leaving and mixed feelings about moving back in with the folks. They're fantastic... Read More
hey, i hope the move is going well enough. i know it can be a pain in the ass: after two failed semesters in college i've had to deal with the whole "moving back in" thing more times than i'd like. no matter how much love there is, it definitely feels like a lot of freedom is being taken away. but, as long as they don't charge rent, it should be fine. good luck!
So friday night I head down to San Diego from Santa Barbara to enjoy a weekend with the friends and the family. I get into LA, drivin down the 101 and around Sunset Blvd. I notice as I shift down into 4th that the car isn't accelerating very well. I'm downshifting because traffic is slowing down to a stop and I very quickly have to... Read More
Been playing faaar too much World of Warcraft the last few weeks, but I haven't had anything approaching a social life for a long while anyway so it's not like I'm losing anything. Other than precious precious sleep. At any rate it's my first real shot at endgame content and I'm jumping on it and it's been a lot of fun. The people I've been... Read More
I added a new post last night, and apparently it got eaten when my subscription ended and I had to renew. I don't feel like rewriting it, so screw you all! Damn you SG!!
Jesus, I haven't updated this in a while. The girl situation is still complicated as hell. I don't know what is going on there, but we're in love and trying to make the best of (now very) long distance. It's so complicated and so interrelated with very pesonal and private things (on her side, I have no qualms about talking about me on here) that... Read More
I dunno what to tell you guys, I have been very bad lately; playing WAY too my WoW and not doing my homework nearly enough . is getting done, just sloppily. Anyway, I don't have time to write much else, I need to go sleep so I can wake up and do my homework, then play some Warcraft...