hmmm. im currently listening to the Trashmen's virsion of "Surfing Bird". makes me want to dance like an idiot.
Thursdays gig was a mixture of bad and OK, i didnt really rate the bands we were supporting, just, i mean, never trust a band with no drummer. part of the problem was that we, a almost conventanal rockabilly-lounge-accordian core band were supporting some guy who played a telephone exchange and some people who played guitars with bow's and turned knobs on box's.
It also ment that i missed the show at the Bordello.
nevermind. i'll ring up and order my tickets for november (2006 by the sounds of it!)
we got MP3's for you!
were still looking for a new person for the Co-op. im still waiting to move into the next room, im not sure whats going on. homelife!
anyway im going to a party tonight. i will get drunk, but not stupidly drunk. i will not urinate out of the window, i will not fall down the stairs, off the roof or of anyones underwear drawer. i will walk home and sleep in my own bed. i will not get brusied horribly, or concuss myself. no one will videocamera me doing or saying anything embarrising. i will stay in the kitchen making polite conversation and leave about 2.
i will.
Thursdays gig was a mixture of bad and OK, i didnt really rate the bands we were supporting, just, i mean, never trust a band with no drummer. part of the problem was that we, a almost conventanal rockabilly-lounge-accordian core band were supporting some guy who played a telephone exchange and some people who played guitars with bow's and turned knobs on box's.
It also ment that i missed the show at the Bordello.

we got MP3's for you!
were still looking for a new person for the Co-op. im still waiting to move into the next room, im not sure whats going on. homelife!
anyway im going to a party tonight. i will get drunk, but not stupidly drunk. i will not urinate out of the window, i will not fall down the stairs, off the roof or of anyones underwear drawer. i will walk home and sleep in my own bed. i will not get brusied horribly, or concuss myself. no one will videocamera me doing or saying anything embarrising. i will stay in the kitchen making polite conversation and leave about 2.
i will.
i like the tunes, you are officially my fav, conventanal rockabilly-lounge-accordian core band. unless tom waits counts then your probably second. anyway. im adding you guys on myspace
it's weird, my phone hasnt been working.. i havent receieved any texts from anyone in about a month.. yet yours came through! it faught through the forces!!