We're playing a night with a David Lynch theme on the 30th of November.
This makes me happy on 2 counts. 1 being its gonna be very cool playing with Emily breeze again, as well as the girl who's putting it on (Mrsman UK) and who sounds rather cool. 2 being its at Seymours Family club just a 2 minuits stagger from my House!
i'll be dressed as the Elephant man. so no costume needed.
apart from that i've done nowt. the job ends tommorow and as yet nothing to replace it. i might get the much needed few days off soon!

This makes me happy on 2 counts. 1 being its gonna be very cool playing with Emily breeze again, as well as the girl who's putting it on (Mrsman UK) and who sounds rather cool. 2 being its at Seymours Family club just a 2 minuits stagger from my House!
i'll be dressed as the Elephant man. so no costume needed.
apart from that i've done nowt. the job ends tommorow and as yet nothing to replace it. i might get the much needed few days off soon!
i will be back at the end of december, for most of january. if you play a gig manchester though.. or liverpool (my best friend lives there), i would most likely show up