Good Sunday Morning.
Went to the Devonshire Ren Faire yesterday with friends.
Ran into old friends of ours. And realized that another friend of ours actually had a booth there. Fantasy style T'shirts and feather roses. All things faery & magickal, Very cool.
It's been a year since I've seen a belly dancing recital (Witches' Ball). This was a different troup at the mini Ren Faire, it was pretty darn cool. I was rather impressed. Seems that the larger ladies were more adept at making the body turn, twist, and shimmy.
Found a pretty purple half shirt (wench style) for $5.00!
What a bargain. Wish I could go back today, but the family decided to have Thanksgiving TODAY.
Really really really want to go shopping today. But suppose I will have to be content with grocery shopping.
ho hum
FYI Next Sunday is Hades birthday.
Hugs to EveryOne.
aka Vickie
P.S. Now it's Wednesday and I have the next 6 days off!
Went to the Devonshire Ren Faire yesterday with friends.
Ran into old friends of ours. And realized that another friend of ours actually had a booth there. Fantasy style T'shirts and feather roses. All things faery & magickal, Very cool.
It's been a year since I've seen a belly dancing recital (Witches' Ball). This was a different troup at the mini Ren Faire, it was pretty darn cool. I was rather impressed. Seems that the larger ladies were more adept at making the body turn, twist, and shimmy.
Found a pretty purple half shirt (wench style) for $5.00!
What a bargain. Wish I could go back today, but the family decided to have Thanksgiving TODAY.

Really really really want to go shopping today. But suppose I will have to be content with grocery shopping.
ho hum

FYI Next Sunday is Hades birthday.

Hugs to EveryOne.
aka Vickie
P.S. Now it's Wednesday and I have the next 6 days off!

hello gorgeous! nice to meet you. hope you're doing well today.

Oh I forgot that the Dev Ren Faire was last weekend. I missed it last year too. boo... I'm in Iowa visiting familyl for the weekend and then I come back to Phoenix. Have a great weekend!