ok so this will be my last post for a minute as i am lacking funds and must resign my membership to sg. maybe one day i shall return.
and they still havent sent me the playing cards i ordered. fuckin fuckers

anyways im going to savannah with steve on a 4 day road trip (i'm flying back, yay). i'll be there for new years....
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so today it was 9 degrees and hellish outside. i drove to nora's for dinner and my car windows wouldn't open.

i signed up for spring classes and i am taking:
photos I tuesday 9am-4pm
design for print vs web - tues&thurs 6-9pm
ancient eastern art history wednesday 1-4pm
seminar:anatomy of monsters (?i dont even know it sounds good though) wed6-9pm

i am excited. i...
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hell yeah i finished my second paper and am one step closer to freedom. all i have to do now is print and mount my posters and brochure and i'm set. but FUCK, it's gonna be so cold out tomorrow. it's supposed to be around 15 degrees i think. bogus. hope monday is better.
art history paper number one - COMPLETE! just one more to do and i'm FUCKIN DONE WITH SCHOOL for 5 weeks. hell fuckin yeah
kelly, I think we should be friends for a really long time. and do you have any interest in going snowboarding with me when I get back from florida?
good for you. I just got done with all my shit for school and it feels so good to have the weight off your shoulders. Ive just been retarted the last few days just trying to make up for all the stress that I had in the last few weeks.

luck rapping up the semester smile
i'm in a bad mood. i have 10 pages of art history to write by friday at 4pm. i e-mailed my t.a. asking for an extension. i'm going crazy. i went to the emergency room because my throat hurts like mad but after spending three and a half fucking hours there and taking a million tests i found out there is nothing wrong with me....
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I see you decided not to go to sleep. Slash you should track down desiree while you're in the city today. and yes dirty dirty hippies. and I want to see how your zombie puupet turned out.
i've been workin real hard on my zombie and haven't had time to see much of the new girls... but i must say Lolita certainly looks soooo cute with a mohawk!

anyways i don't have much to say. finals are soon and i'm going to iowa tomorrow. i probably shouldn't go, i have a lot of work, but fuck the bullshit you know
iowa? what on earth is in iowa?
i finished my zombie paper - thanks to everyone who commented on it skull

sooooo just now i set up my brand new hardcore pimpin scanner/copier/faxmachine/printer. so i scanned some random pictures of me from back in the day. soon i will put them in my pictures folder.

anyways i have SOOOOO much shit to do. i have two art history papers to write: one on...
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zombies are awesome, better than frankensteins
my zombie paper/english final. what do you think so far?

1968 was the year that defined a decade. If rebellion was a characteristic of the times, major unrest and political protest took place in Paris, Prague, New York, Chicago, Memphis, and London. If political assassination defined the era, Martin Luther King died in April, Bobby Kennedy in June. If artistic revolution had any impact, artist's...
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nice...now theres a hell of a topic.....good stuff...i learned in college if you turn in a paper on a subject thats interesting and something the teacher hasnt seem before...its an automatic b...if its written well...sure fire a...
bests to you
Very, very good start to a great paper. Good job loking beyond the shock value and surface to catch soem of theunderlying meaning.

I have oftemn wondered how muich of whatis in that film is ment ot be there and howm uch of it just comes out in our own minds... The very basic and archtypical characters allow us to easily identify with them and see their motivations and feelings plainly becaus eit is simple to project our own impresisons of these arcthypes onot the characters.

for me the real question has been are the impressions and messages I get from this film what Romero was trying to say or is it my own sterotypes, prejudce and judgement creating amessage?
so i decided on red. i will put pictures up soon. i need a haircut though i think...

anyways, steve's back and super creeped out that i have a memership on sg and isn't too happy about me becoming one. soooo i guess i won't be one until he pisses me off enough to break up with him.

ooooooooooo he's so fucking lazy. buh. i...
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yeah, I loved it from first sight!
haha... the same answer as to when i'm gonna fix the webpage-loading thing: when I get some spare time!
alright, let's vote please i need your help:

should i dye my hair red for the winter or not?
please see the picture from when i was 17 for reference

please help
I vote yea for red... need a warm colour in the winter, more contrast that way.
