i still haven't done shit. i'm not going to class tonight. i have a meeting to go to at 4:30. FUCK

an overview of recent events:
- drank a fif o' jack daniels and puked everywhere but on wyatt's face (pictures coming soon)
- sexual frustration building, i'm about to jump some innocent freshmen
- have not started puppet
- have not attended class in...
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Super smartass man will solve all of your lifes problems.

1. drink less
2. Vibrator and economy pack of energizers
3. Get off your ass and go.
4. While I am sure your sexual frustration is horrible fucking animal poop is not going to help.
5. So? It is only skool, they will get over it.
6. Eat more.
7. Thrift store.
8. Stop spending money on food... oh wait...

Is your favorite Danzig Misfits or new Misfits?

[Edited on Oct 07, 2004 8:16AM]

[Edited on Oct 07, 2004 8:17AM]
in response to mr. smartass...

how am i supposed to drink less? that's like cheating on a boyfriend. jack would miss me

fuck vibrators.

david is not animal poop

thrift stores are for dirty hippies

and i like danzig misfits, the new guys voice sucks and so does marky ramone/his dead brothers
saw zombie last night. the shark scene was awesome.

fuck the bullshit. i've been up for 15 hours and i have class at 6. i have a meeting to go to and a shower to take. i fucking hate working, i fucking hate it.

puppet making tomorrow.

must... sew.... more......

soon i will get my portfolio up and more drunken pictures of kids i know.
pEeK a BoO skull
wow that was quick
I don't have any new pics yet cause I don't have a new scanner yet but I will soon...As for how I met the prince of darkness well I just started at his school for special effects and I gotta say this is one really kick ass program....