Well I figured I would drop a quick line seeing as it's been a while now for me. I got banned for a few months from making any tags. I e-mailed the CS dept or whomever it is who deals with said issues and told them this was BS. Under the rules for them and such it claimed that if you have had multiple deletions for things like making mult tags communicating one phrase, were extremely insulting or making a stupid tag that you would be banned. I sent in reply to this kindly action that for one, I never received any corrective action notice so how am I to know I had tags to be deleted since it's not like I look to see if they are. If I am supposed to know what the correct method with the quotes was a friendly reminder before penalizing me for simply being unaware was just good business on there part when dealing with a customer. Making sure that they realized this potentially could cost them more than my business I just decided to make them know how foolish this was.
Now mind you, it could have been what I tagged. See this chick obviously had some implants. I saw a tag that said implants and I am not much for them in general. To make certain that I didn't need to post a multiple tag communicating my tag I simply typed in, "fakeboobs." So yeah, how is that more insulting than implants. I mean they knew they were putting fake tits on and while they still have boobs I am sure they are comfortable enough with themselves now to deal with others knowing they are. I pointed that out to whevered my e-mail floated off to in someone's trash folder. Basically if that was stupid I communicated to them, "Well now isn't that just a matter of perspective pending the person looking at it?" lol!
Not a lot otherwise going on for me really. I am trying to get this work at home job that I was referred to by an agency and also trying to get my shit straight with the loan department so I am eligible to go back to school this fall. Seems to be going well other than the fact that there are no supporting schools in my state for my perspective major which is a large screw in my plans. Hopefully I will have a better idea of the goings on soon though so cross your fingers for me pwease.
Now mind you, it could have been what I tagged. See this chick obviously had some implants. I saw a tag that said implants and I am not much for them in general. To make certain that I didn't need to post a multiple tag communicating my tag I simply typed in, "fakeboobs." So yeah, how is that more insulting than implants. I mean they knew they were putting fake tits on and while they still have boobs I am sure they are comfortable enough with themselves now to deal with others knowing they are. I pointed that out to whevered my e-mail floated off to in someone's trash folder. Basically if that was stupid I communicated to them, "Well now isn't that just a matter of perspective pending the person looking at it?" lol!
Not a lot otherwise going on for me really. I am trying to get this work at home job that I was referred to by an agency and also trying to get my shit straight with the loan department so I am eligible to go back to school this fall. Seems to be going well other than the fact that there are no supporting schools in my state for my perspective major which is a large screw in my plans. Hopefully I will have a better idea of the goings on soon though so cross your fingers for me pwease.
well if you saw the sad tiny uneven nipples-on-ribs that nature screwed me with before "the job" you would have a different opinion. I lived most of my life ashamed of my body. To the point of having a complex. being 6ft and flat sucks. now I revel in my new found love of being nude. and support all those who choose to better themselves and thier lives.
merci ma chere