Sometimes I just want to connect with someone. Anyone really. Emotionally, mentally, spiritually, psychologically, physically, sexually, any fucking -ly you can come up with.
So if I can identify that basic instinct (damn it, cliche, leave me alone)... why is it so hard to fulfill it? It starts out pure and ends up muddled and confusing.
I think I'll feel better when my husband comes home, but I can't really believe that that is all that's driving my moods and thoughts, so it's back to the drawing board.
It's strange to me that I can be so god-damned happy with my life and yet so profoundly sad at the same time.
So if I can identify that basic instinct (damn it, cliche, leave me alone)... why is it so hard to fulfill it? It starts out pure and ends up muddled and confusing.
I think I'll feel better when my husband comes home, but I can't really believe that that is all that's driving my moods and thoughts, so it's back to the drawing board.

I think we have made the world to complicated, that is why we can be happy with life and sad at the same time. I'm sure things will get better once your husband comes home, but I'm sorry to say that the range of emotions like that will never go away. At least they have not for me. I hope your man gets to come home soon.