My husband and I celebrated our one year anniversary this past weekend... in the spirit of old married couples everywhere, we did nothing crazy. We had a few cocktails at home, enjoyed each other's company, and played board games and WoW... there are no losers in WoW. Just good, old-fashioned killing monsters followed by the traditional celebration of ale and drunken dueling. I lost at Backgammon (and took it very poorly
), but I kicked his ass all over the place in Scrabble and, after all, THAT takes actual skill...
I'd like to draw attention to my brilliant use of "Abjure" in the lower left-hand corner. You know nerding out is hot! 

heh, well we were on teh same level though
Take care!
LOL and i had two great comments (from you and Deny) about the last pic. i posted... so i decided to use that as my default pic!!! HAHA i'm a sucker to peer pressure!
Take care babe!