Ah bordem. You would think being outta work would be a pretty sweet thing because you got all the free time in the world, but it make me feel kinda worthless because my days are just wasted away. The lack of income blows aswell concidering all the show, manga, anime, and cds that have come out and that are coming out now that i'm unemployed. Been listening to a lot of ska lately, it makes me feel better. I wish i had a license so my job options wouldn't be limited to walking distance.
I really not feel like ranting so i'm just gonna shut up for now.
Laters for now, (_^o^_)
I really not feel like ranting so i'm just gonna shut up for now.
Laters for now, (_^o^_)
awwwwww you will get another job yea?
There may be sommin wrong wit me too hehe