I have been saddend, my card was declined from interpunk, this means i'm gonna have to wait extra long to get my music *sigh*, and then there is the fact that i spent for to much money yesterday. Here is the break down:
Jubei-Chan The Ninja Girl complete collection $40, Hellsing dvd 2 and Please Teacher dvd 4 $60.60, Urusei Yatsura (Lum) opening,ending collection $15, 10 boxes plain pocky along with a box of pocky G and two boxes of strawberry Pocky $26, April issue of Newtype USA $10, dinner for 3 at Cracker Barrel $33, and a vitamin water and a pack of Camel Lights $7.
YAY that calcuates to nearly $200 when you add in NY sale tax of 8.25% on the items that i didn't. No wait more also a bottle of Kiwi Ramune and a $20 top it off phone card for my sister. That sets me WAY over 200 dollars, i am offically one poor mother fucker, i didn't even realize i spent that much. Now my head hurts, OUCH. WOW i think i'm gonna go live under a bridge for the night gonna have to get use to what my new home is gonna be if i keep sending like this.
Laters for now, */wave*
Jubei-Chan The Ninja Girl complete collection $40, Hellsing dvd 2 and Please Teacher dvd 4 $60.60, Urusei Yatsura (Lum) opening,ending collection $15, 10 boxes plain pocky along with a box of pocky G and two boxes of strawberry Pocky $26, April issue of Newtype USA $10, dinner for 3 at Cracker Barrel $33, and a vitamin water and a pack of Camel Lights $7.
YAY that calcuates to nearly $200 when you add in NY sale tax of 8.25% on the items that i didn't. No wait more also a bottle of Kiwi Ramune and a $20 top it off phone card for my sister. That sets me WAY over 200 dollars, i am offically one poor mother fucker, i didn't even realize i spent that much. Now my head hurts, OUCH. WOW i think i'm gonna go live under a bridge for the night gonna have to get use to what my new home is gonna be if i keep sending like this.
Laters for now, */wave*
*hugs* i know how that feels i am going to be usuing all the money i have to pay for a phone bill i fucked up on
and to go to las vegas