So, it's been an eventful few weeks for me of late. Most notably I was visited by SGUK's High Lord and Master, CreamyGoodness and the fabulous Wilona, both of whom I have not seen for about two years. Much alcohol was imbibed, much weed was smoked (by Willy and myself anyway, that girl had me caned for two days after she LEFT), many Studio Ghibli films were watched. I had, in short, a wonderful time. I love both you guise like whoah and I can't wait for September 
Myself and Creamy made a short film while he was here. Many of you will be familiar with Where The Hell Is Matt?. If not, watch it first. We made a tribute to this heart-warming film. I feel, in some ways, we turned it into something...well....even more beautiful.

Myself and Creamy made a short film while he was here. Many of you will be familiar with Where The Hell Is Matt?. If not, watch it first. We made a tribute to this heart-warming film. I feel, in some ways, we turned it into something...well....even more beautiful.
its good to see you smile lovely