Just as I was leaving my job today I heard a coworker say "Ray Davies....hmmm....pretty good". So I says "Yeah he's one of my favorites." Listen to this shit, LISTEN to THIS SHIT!! she says "Oh, is he in The who?" THE WHO!! The fucking Who? are you kidding me! Jesus crist I thought my head was gonna explode. Stupid fucking kids. The KINKS I say! Waving my hands around and shouting oh My God!! I gotts to go! and so I leaves the place in utter shock at the youth of today.
Holy poop.
My new imaginary boyfriend is Jack Lemmon. He has a 10,000 watt smile. Just like my real life man.
One of the best things in my life is to see him happy and smiling and running around in his boxers.
I've had a headache for the last three days.
I still hate my job.
Walk the Line is already coming out on DVD February 28th.
I eat way to much "Better n' Peanut butter" on a daily basis.
I had a long talk with my brother about our mum and remembered why I love him so much.
Sould I go out to the Deke Dickerson show or stay in and study my Office books for Dummies?I am going out to see X on Saturday so maybe I should be responsible and stay in.
That is all for now. Over and out my babies.
Holy poop.
My new imaginary boyfriend is Jack Lemmon. He has a 10,000 watt smile. Just like my real life man.
One of the best things in my life is to see him happy and smiling and running around in his boxers.
I've had a headache for the last three days.
I still hate my job.
Walk the Line is already coming out on DVD February 28th.
I eat way to much "Better n' Peanut butter" on a daily basis.
I had a long talk with my brother about our mum and remembered why I love him so much.
Sould I go out to the Deke Dickerson show or stay in and study my Office books for Dummies?I am going out to see X on Saturday so maybe I should be responsible and stay in.

That is all for now. Over and out my babies.
Are you going to make me come over here and spank you???
That was my point but you knew thatAny BIG Plans for your Birthday???