I just can't get over this. Seldom is there an entire opus that lays out what the "new world order" is about --- so eloquently. Most of the works that document the NWO are compiled by tireless researchers who end up being speculative, attempting to fill in the blanks, and draw conclusions about what is said and what is meant and being implemented in a...
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Uncanny, isn't it? It's almost as if they wanted us to know...
Well looks like I have returned. eeek
My assessment of the LSU opener :

The Good ...

Obviously when you win 41-13, most everything would fall into the category "the good." The line play on both sides of the ball was dominating. The receivers did an excellent job helping out the two inexperienced QBs. Charles Scott showed why he won the starting job in camp. Basically, all of the proven commodities did...
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LSU looked excellent in their opener. It sucks bad weather has again spoiled another game (at least for a while) for you guys.
I thought this was fucking awesome and such a demonstration of the media disconnect with the political realities on the ground in this country.

Chris Matthews and his Hardball show set up this little staged fake self-fellating discussion panel to tell America how wonderful Michelle Obama is, replete with "complementary" racist asides about the Huxtable family ... and they are being drowned out in their...
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I hear Obama is the Anti-Christ!
A complete breakdown of domestic propoganda - lesson 1

The following piece ran in the Wall St. Journal thursday :


This specific and individual slickly written piece, I could break down hundreds per day, is about the Georgia-Russia war, what the WSJ happily calls "new world order," energy, and general global chaos.

With no further ado, paragraph 1 :

"This is a week in...
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Sometimes I am tempted to think that scuffles like Georgia are all for show and that the leaders of the world powers, Russia, the USA etc, have no intention of going to war with each other but that they manufacture these little scuffles in order to facilitate manipulation of the media and voters back home. Ok maybe Georgia happened ahead of schedule because the Georgian puppet leader got too carried away but something was probably in the pipeline (no pun intended) all along. I don't see Russia and the USA having a nuclear showdown. However, they may get into round three of the Great Game largely in order to facilitate manipulation of the media and voters and to provide a justification for continuing military expenditure. There's a lot of folks who made a career our of the Cold War and when it ended they needed to find something else to keep the paychecks coming in, hence the first Iraq war, hence the war on terror and the second Iraq war. Before 911 happened they were cooking up a Cold War with China (everyone seems to have forgotten the way things were going with China; its like 911 wiped it out of their minds). Now it looks like the USA wants China as a peacetime trading partner instead so they are looking to have another Cold War with Russia. It would not surprise me if the Russian leadership is willing and compliant in this because war (even a Cold War) is good for national moral (just look what the Falklands did for Thatcher). So, here's the deal, Russia and 'the West' get into a few scuffles and regardless of what actually happens during those scuffles, politicians on both sides can spin it to the media as a moral victory thus boosting their ratings and justifying more military expenditure.

Conspiracies occur. Human history is literally one conspiracy after another. How have people become convinced that conspiracies stopped happening? Sure, they'll accept that duplicity occurred in the seats of power during the colonial era and Europe's late monarchies, or in the middle ages and papacy, or in imperial Rome, or in antiquity, etc...

But I really want to know why people think that their...
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"but you don't read Bryzezinski, Rockefeller's Memoirs, huge tomes by Carrol Quigley, or things like Limits to Growth and NSSM 200"

Have you read any of these? can you send me your abridged notes? I just don't gotta lotta time.
He's probably not entirely out of the loop, but he isn't working overseas. The guy is teaching classes here on the history of espionage. Apparently he is teaching a class on Soviet detektivi (detective novels) in the fall here.
It's good to have you on the friend list too. It was only a matter of time, given that you are an active poster and that your posts denouncing torture were principled and intelligent. Even though we disagree on a lot of issues, I think that you have a lot to offer to most subjects on the boards.
How's it going dude? smile
He didn't create the Afghan resistance, they started that without prompting from the US, and this was before the Arabs got involved later. Zbrinski didn't form al-Qaeda.

Not that he was a good guy either, because he and Carter were going to the USSR before Carter was even elected and telling them that they wouldn't oppose them on treaties or in Eastern Europe. Carter then felt betrayed when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan after he told them he wouldn't oppose them anywhere for any reason. After all, he made it plain the USA wouldn't be a threat to them, so they had no reason to act aggressively. And yet the USSR acted aggressively. Carter couldn't understand why.
Well if he explained it that way in his biography, hard to argue.

But Carter wasn't a tool of any kind of power structure. He was really naive and idealistic. He couldn't even deal with Congress because their day-to-day business was too sordid for him. He really did think that by stelling the Soviets America would no longer stand in their way that they would see no need to engage in aggressive foreign policy against American interests.

Carter was wrong about just about everything.

And yes, I know it's you Monastrell. I remember you.