Today quolo addressed the dichotomy of his own awesomeness and the more boring elements of the corporate machine. As he would learn, there's nothing more boring than software salesmen, yet nothing so day-altering as wearing an entirely new genre of incorrectly-sized underwear.
When your thighs throb with juicy muscleflesh, the one-size fits all mentality of the boxerbrief is a dangerous occupation indeed.
And just look at this software, as we project it onto the back of a cubicle. It looks like the gray, sad, volvo of computer experiences, but for $65,000 and $6500/year, it can all be yours! Yours! Glory!
Do boxerbriefs have that ball-warming, sperm-killing phenomenon, too? Shit, quolo really should google this stuff. Think it's on WebMD?
Banking technology really is the man. Not in that abstract, fist pumping, stick it to the man sense, but the actual man. Bad suits, bad jokes, bad hair, bad...wait a minute. Bad, insipid, uninspired, testicle-incubating underwear that emphasizes the love handles and squeezes the femurs. It's like that scene in Return of the Jedi, where Darth Valium lopped off Luke's hand, and then Luke looks down and he's wearing a black glove just like his dear old dad. Quolo, eminent playwright and renowned lecher, enemy of conformity, finds himself coming home to his true nature: sell-out.
When your thighs throb with juicy muscleflesh, the one-size fits all mentality of the boxerbrief is a dangerous occupation indeed.
And just look at this software, as we project it onto the back of a cubicle. It looks like the gray, sad, volvo of computer experiences, but for $65,000 and $6500/year, it can all be yours! Yours! Glory!
Do boxerbriefs have that ball-warming, sperm-killing phenomenon, too? Shit, quolo really should google this stuff. Think it's on WebMD?
Banking technology really is the man. Not in that abstract, fist pumping, stick it to the man sense, but the actual man. Bad suits, bad jokes, bad hair, bad...wait a minute. Bad, insipid, uninspired, testicle-incubating underwear that emphasizes the love handles and squeezes the femurs. It's like that scene in Return of the Jedi, where Darth Valium lopped off Luke's hand, and then Luke looks down and he's wearing a black glove just like his dear old dad. Quolo, eminent playwright and renowned lecher, enemy of conformity, finds himself coming home to his true nature: sell-out.