if anyone happens to read this perhaps you can explain this blog phenomenon to me...
from my point of view there's no value in parading the intimate details (be they tender or mundane) of your life before the eyes of strangers.... it's often boring, always self-concerned, and rarely comes off as sincere. there are infinite opportunities to wallow in your own self-indulgent fantasies and sense of misery without having to make a public spectacle of either.
maybe i'm just a bastard.
i've decided to delete the few "journal" entries I made prior to this one (assuming this web app supports that) and start writing an entirely fictional journal. frankly, i think, putting my biases against blogs in general aside, that fiction has more value for me as an exercise than sharing the less than thrilling details of my real life.
from my point of view there's no value in parading the intimate details (be they tender or mundane) of your life before the eyes of strangers.... it's often boring, always self-concerned, and rarely comes off as sincere. there are infinite opportunities to wallow in your own self-indulgent fantasies and sense of misery without having to make a public spectacle of either.
maybe i'm just a bastard.
i've decided to delete the few "journal" entries I made prior to this one (assuming this web app supports that) and start writing an entirely fictional journal. frankly, i think, putting my biases against blogs in general aside, that fiction has more value for me as an exercise than sharing the less than thrilling details of my real life.
That sounds like alot of fun...fictional journal. Can I start you off????
go for it :-)