updates that nobody will read:
i have a reasonably well fleshed out story idea for a science fiction novel but i'm too lazy and uncertain of my abiltiies to get started on it..
i played and beat halo 2 on normal, the game is sweet but has unquestionably been overhyped. I'm still deciding how i would rate it... perhaps i should play it on legendary before making a decision
i'm expecting my copy of half-life 2 on tuesday (*drool*)
the job offer i expected to get on friday never came... maybe early next week
i'm really starting to get excited about the NPR prospect, i need to start putting together some story ideas to close the deal with them
i still don't know if i'm getting pixies tickets or not, this is what comes of relying on friends brothers to get shit done ;-P
i have a reasonably well fleshed out story idea for a science fiction novel but i'm too lazy and uncertain of my abiltiies to get started on it..
i played and beat halo 2 on normal, the game is sweet but has unquestionably been overhyped. I'm still deciding how i would rate it... perhaps i should play it on legendary before making a decision
i'm expecting my copy of half-life 2 on tuesday (*drool*)
the job offer i expected to get on friday never came... maybe early next week
i'm really starting to get excited about the NPR prospect, i need to start putting together some story ideas to close the deal with them
i still don't know if i'm getting pixies tickets or not, this is what comes of relying on friends brothers to get shit done ;-P