Yes indeed, today was *is* my birthday. I got 6 comments on that which just demonstrates how absolutely fantastic you people are! Thank you very much for the trouble of writing a note, I really appreciate it.
Montreal, where I live, has witnessed some serious snow today. It's absolutely gorgeous and I really enjoyed walking home from work having to march through 20cm high snow on the ground. It just reminds me how the earth is beautiful, how nature always surprises us with her immense (scientifically explainable) miracles. I am tired, overworked, overstudied, overloaded, broke and very time inefficient ---> yet, I am happy.
Montreal, where I live, has witnessed some serious snow today. It's absolutely gorgeous and I really enjoyed walking home from work having to march through 20cm high snow on the ground. It just reminds me how the earth is beautiful, how nature always surprises us with her immense (scientifically explainable) miracles. I am tired, overworked, overstudied, overloaded, broke and very time inefficient ---> yet, I am happy.