EEK! What a stressful week! There is so much to think of with school, work, the party and planning for my
's next visit. This weekend is going to kick some hardcore ass. Everyone go wish Malphas a Happy Birthday. The party this weekend is officially his b-day/going away party. Just so you all know the reason you are going to party your asses off.
Tell me about the rockinest party you've ever been to!

Tell me about the rockinest party you've ever been to!
silly girl you have to put a shirt on before you take a picture
I once (no twice) threw a party at the end of high school called ROCK THE CANYON. It got that name because we set up a drum kit on our deck and the neighbors freaked out before the rest of the band set up. We yelled at them but decided to move it in doors. THAT was rad. it went all night, nothing got broke, for years later people came up to me telling me they loved tha party and everyone was drunk and the band that played (tons of kids who played but not together) jammed. It was so loud tho, I had to leave the room. A true high school memory. I didn't get laid tho. Still freaked out by hot girls even today! lol