So the poem went over sorta well. I haven't really written much on SG for a while. Am trying to get back in the swing of things, just there is so much goin on in my life right now. Mad hectic and stuff. Word. School, work, promotion, work, school, moving, goat, work, family, school, goat, goat. Hehe.
I AM SO FUCKING STRESSED. I quit. And I am sleep deprived and still not sure if I am sick or well or what. Sometimes it would be nice if people made a little goddam effort too. I have to initiate everything. We are all busy, but no initiation and basic disintrist makes me all weird. And I hate flipping out which magnifies everything. I need a fast forward button. Sorry to everyone I have been curt to lately. My life has just been on the rollercoaster lately. And I have been pushing everything trying to make it look as it is supposed to and it isn't. I am really worried about my body cause it freaked out last week, and I still don't know what was the matter. Now I am hyper sensitive to that and I just can't take it anymore. Basically I want my mommy.

I AM SO FUCKING STRESSED. I quit. And I am sleep deprived and still not sure if I am sick or well or what. Sometimes it would be nice if people made a little goddam effort too. I have to initiate everything. We are all busy, but no initiation and basic disintrist makes me all weird. And I hate flipping out which magnifies everything. I need a fast forward button. Sorry to everyone I have been curt to lately. My life has just been on the rollercoaster lately. And I have been pushing everything trying to make it look as it is supposed to and it isn't. I am really worried about my body cause it freaked out last week, and I still don't know what was the matter. Now I am hyper sensitive to that and I just can't take it anymore. Basically I want my mommy.
But hot chicken soup and a tryptophen induced nap are good too.
The only awesome thing I did today was hangout with Ian for a couple hours.
what about you? Anything awesome happen today? I hope so cause you deserve it n stuff.