Today i made my six piercing
but I don't tell you where.. I'm going to upload some pics in my next blog
About me.... everything goes well.... I'm in love...
and the world seems to be in love with me too
The work as a secretary could be better... but it's only other two months .... and for have some money
I want to work in hospital... but it's difficult...
it's about two years that I graduated.. but i'm still a volontary and the don't pay me nothing....
What I really want is to do the autopsy....
I ask for learn some tecniques about... but it passed three months and they don't call me back.... i'm angry about that because I have the right to see that and learning about... and it might be helpful for them because not so many people want to do that job...
Last saturday I went to a show of Black Bandana Click... That was so fun

here some pics for you .....
Noyz Narcos....
Duke Montana.....
Metal Carter....
and of course some pics of me...
if you want you can see my new pics in the album named sliver
kisses... sorry for the looooong blog

Today i made my six piercing

About me.... everything goes well.... I'm in love...

The work as a secretary could be better... but it's only other two months .... and for have some money

I want to work in hospital... but it's difficult...

What I really want is to do the autopsy....

Last saturday I went to a show of Black Bandana Click... That was so fun

here some pics for you .....

Noyz Narcos....

Duke Montana.....

Metal Carter....

and of course some pics of me...

if you want you can see my new pics in the album named sliver

kisses... sorry for the looooong blog

can't wait to see the new piercing!