I know, its bit late for a work Holiday party, but I live in a college town, so we planned a late party so the students could be there too. Pretty sweet idea eh? Except for the fact, that when you get a bunch of college frat boys together, it becomes a huge dominance battle. So I had to break up 1 fight, and keep another from happening. No big deal...
Until the next day when over half my store came down with a major case of food poisoning... I had no openers at all yesterday, including myself! And the guy that came in to cover for me, texted me freaking out because he thought I quit. In over 2 years, yesterday was the first day I called off. So panic set in with everyone. Hahaha!
Buuut, I had a blast with all my co workers, learned to play "corn hole", and got a bad ass fuzzy blanket and kick ass candle in the gift exchange!
Hope everyone is doing well, and no one had a horrible holiday party like mine was!