Good morning my lovely ones,
I woke up this morning and had one of those dreams where you're half awake so its partially reality with a little dream world mixed in. I would have sworn that there was a tiger walking around my room this morning. I even reached out to pet it. Unfortunately it didn't last long and when I really woke up all that was there was my dog, chester, staring at me from the end of the bed. Does anyone else ever have weird half dreams like that? I hope you all have an adventurous, fun-filled day! Always stay true to yourself.
Love your tiger dreamer,
VeraIcona xoxo <3
I woke up this morning and had one of those dreams where you're half awake so its partially reality with a little dream world mixed in. I would have sworn that there was a tiger walking around my room this morning. I even reached out to pet it. Unfortunately it didn't last long and when I really woke up all that was there was my dog, chester, staring at me from the end of the bed. Does anyone else ever have weird half dreams like that? I hope you all have an adventurous, fun-filled day! Always stay true to yourself.
Love your tiger dreamer,
VeraIcona xoxo <3
I have those all the time! Then when I wake up i'm really confused for about 30 seconds haha. And cheers for the comment on Fairytale!
Haha I know right?! That's basically what I did! Plus my room is REALLY small so actually having a tiger in there walking around is quite a ridiculous concept haha. And you're very welcome! I love the set! Adding that old book was a great touch. Very well done