It was quick and painless too. yesss.
Yeah its a blue black and it did have blonde bits but the colour ran into it. So its gone blue now.
So I'm on holiday for the next two weeks and I'm pissed as hell. I hate holidays, what a waste. I get to sit around and do nothing. Yay. I hate school, but I would prefer to be there doing something then at home doing nothing.
Gonna take my brother into the city next week and go watch a movie with him. I wanna see St Trinians, yesss I went there. Then bum around the arcade and play games etccc.
Sounds good.
Gonna do another photoshoot next weekend I think. Gotta finish photoshopping the one I did for the shocking contest and maybe, maybeeeeeeeeeee send it in. It could work for the may contest. I dunno. It does have a bit of gore though. Not much.
I'm feeling muchhhh better. Thanks for asking. We get a new tutor when we start back. Lameeee, I will miss Sylvester. He is neat. Serena is a cunt. We decided to surprise him but doing a giant collage on the back wall. LOL. it was awesome. All these pictures on random/creepy/sexy things and sex articles. Then everyone wrote messages and we had a class photo, which was amazing. The people we found in magazines to be everyone lollllll.
Awwww gonna miss him and my class when we finish
I hope I become a Suicide Girl soon.
You're gorgeous! I love the hair