I'm sick :'[
I've caught a cold from all you sickies out there :/
Damn, I didn't know you could catch a cold over the internets now.
Holidays soon. Booo. I hate school holidays. Sitting around, nothing to do, boring Olsen twin movies on t.v. Then going back to school and hearing everyone go on about what a wonderful time they had. Boooo!
I've caught a cold from all you sickies out there :/
Damn, I didn't know you could catch a cold over the internets now.
Holidays soon. Booo. I hate school holidays. Sitting around, nothing to do, boring Olsen twin movies on t.v. Then going back to school and hearing everyone go on about what a wonderful time they had. Boooo!
I hope it's not too bad and I hope you're feeling better very soon. *lots of chicken soup hugs*
hope you get better soon, being sick suuuuucks!
hah oh and my empty blog entry has been fixed! no more emptiness.