Then again, maybe I just need to find something else to do. I hate to admit it, but I'm not even sure that, out of all the things there are to do in the world for money, this is the one I would be happiest with, and this is one of those things that you need to be sure about in order to do well. Decisions suck.
I could take a year off after school, go live with a friend of mine in LA, who is traveling across Europe atm, that fucking asshole, work some random job, barely get by, hang out, and maybe, just maybe, I'd see that I didn't want to live that way the rest of my life, which would prompt me to light a directional fire under my ass. I'm afraid I may like it.
I could just funnel into Law School. Nothing is easier than graduating and just going into more school. Then what? I'd just have to graduate, again. Damn it. I'd like to think that 3 more years would be more than enough time to figure out what I would want to do with a JD, but come on, 4 years of undergrad after 4 years in the Navy should have been sufficient. I don't think 3 years of law school is going to put me in a better position.
Could go to work for my dad! The job is ok, money would be great, business would go to me after a few more years, but shit, its kind of like the type of relationship you find yourself in where its not great, but its fine. Those are usually tough to get out of; you get comfortable, any change might be for the worse. I don't want that kind of a relationship, and I don't want that in a job.
I just want to live, and have someone pay me to do that. I'm good at it, I swear!
I keep thinking there is some great calling out there that I just haven't come across yet, it not being the kind that just strikes someone as a calling without first being tripped over, breaking your leg, busting your lip and nose, and while spitting out teeth saying, while spraying blood, "Oh, snap! Its my calling!"
If I could pick whatever job I wanted right now, and start tomorrow, put me on the Supreme Court. Some of the justices there now need to retire, anyway. I'd look fetching in a black robe.
I could take a year off after school, go live with a friend of mine in LA, who is traveling across Europe atm, that fucking asshole, work some random job, barely get by, hang out, and maybe, just maybe, I'd see that I didn't want to live that way the rest of my life, which would prompt me to light a directional fire under my ass. I'm afraid I may like it.
I could just funnel into Law School. Nothing is easier than graduating and just going into more school. Then what? I'd just have to graduate, again. Damn it. I'd like to think that 3 more years would be more than enough time to figure out what I would want to do with a JD, but come on, 4 years of undergrad after 4 years in the Navy should have been sufficient. I don't think 3 years of law school is going to put me in a better position.
Could go to work for my dad! The job is ok, money would be great, business would go to me after a few more years, but shit, its kind of like the type of relationship you find yourself in where its not great, but its fine. Those are usually tough to get out of; you get comfortable, any change might be for the worse. I don't want that kind of a relationship, and I don't want that in a job.
I just want to live, and have someone pay me to do that. I'm good at it, I swear!

I keep thinking there is some great calling out there that I just haven't come across yet, it not being the kind that just strikes someone as a calling without first being tripped over, breaking your leg, busting your lip and nose, and while spitting out teeth saying, while spraying blood, "Oh, snap! Its my calling!"
If I could pick whatever job I wanted right now, and start tomorrow, put me on the Supreme Court. Some of the justices there now need to retire, anyway. I'd look fetching in a black robe.
hey new friend, thanks for the awesome comment and birthday wish