Well wasn't today quite the freakin interesting one. Didn't wake up until like 1:00 o'clock that was pretty cool. Still don't have a fuckin job, thats sucks ass, but what can you do??? i went to my parents house and then they brought up my bills (theyve been paying them since like october for me) that was a shitty ass discussion, yet again. FUN, FUN, FUN, not fuckin really. so here i am sitting here getting drunk all alone, and typing on the computre, yet again. i really fucking have no life. i enjoy it highly though. Anyone else in Colorado Springs or Denver want to do anything anytime, i know this place sucks ass but there has to be something fun to do.....right????
Also, just as an FYI, when you leave comments for someone, it's best to click on their name and leave it in their journal. That way they actually get the notification that they have new messages to look at. And if you're having image uploading/posting problems, I might be able to give a little advice. Hope that helps.