this song constantly runs through my head

along with the image of robert plant in those pants.
Sounds like quite a serious condition.
that was a good one.
I am too. I haven't read the books, but I hope the bears kick some ass.
ha! wink
recently i've moved to maryland to stay with my fam so i can go to school full time. a month after i got here , they decided they were moving to new jersey....but not until febuary. which means i can't even start until we move. so i'm really bummed. and to top it all off they drive me insane. also my car broke down and...
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know what sucks about moving? not knowing a damn person. yep. i've taken up tv watching. lots of tv watching. i am sitting here doing nothing except gaining weight and frying brain cells. i have to get out.
kim's going away party was awesome. well except for the whole going away thing. why do i feel like run over shit the next morning no matter how much water i drink? there must be some remedy (sp?) i am not aware of. eck confused
i bought a homeless man an egg mcmuffin today. he was much more appreicative then the last guy. probably because he didn't smoke crack. once i got hit up by a guy down town who actually came out and told me "i'm not going to lie to you. i'm dope sick and i need 2 more dollars to get what i need." i respected his...
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i had the worst sleep last night. first of all i streched my ears a few nights ago. i try not to use tapers and i haven't since 1/2'', because i decided it did more damage to your ears(i'm currently rethinking this) and it was fairly easy until i got to 5/8. it's been all down hill from there. i said i wanted to stop...
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so i am blog crazy today. i've done absolutley nothing all day but lay around in my underware while everyone else are out showing there boobs for beads. i'm not that into beads.i'm watching saved. this movie is rad. my favorite line, "no, i'm leaving. i'm walking away. i'm walking away from jesus." freakin genius. miao!!