i am moving. it's surreal that i have lived here long enough to be out of a lease and jumping into a new one already.
i found the cheapest apartment in capitol hill, i think. ever since i started visiting seattle two years ago and dreaming about living here, i would point at buildings on the hill and say, "there. i have to live there."
this one is in the neighborhood of all of the places i can't afford to live in. i'm a hop, skip, and jump from work, from all of the places i want to hang out but usually can't because a cab from them to (my current house in) ballard is $20. i'm going to save money on bus fare because i can ride my bike or walk. i am going to be in shape because my favorite thing in the world is roaming around the hill directionless on a nice afternoon. i am going to try not to eat Top Pot donuts every day (there is one a few blocks away from the new pad).
the new apartment is small. small. very very small. convenience kitchen, no stove or oven.. but a toaster oven and microwave are included. it's sad because i really love to cook, and i especially love to cook for boys that i am crushing on. i guess i'll just have to hook up with a boy who has a nice kitchen (or keep relying on my gay boyfriends to cook with me). the most important part is that it's ALL MINE. i will be ALL ALONE. i will cherish this privacy more than i can put into words.
anyway, i better get dressed. i am working until six, going home to put on a sassy outfit, and rocking out at the croc to USE and the Hold Steady. oh fuck yes. PARTY SHOW OF THE YEAR tonight. and we convinced the architect to come out. cross your fingers.
i found the cheapest apartment in capitol hill, i think. ever since i started visiting seattle two years ago and dreaming about living here, i would point at buildings on the hill and say, "there. i have to live there."
this one is in the neighborhood of all of the places i can't afford to live in. i'm a hop, skip, and jump from work, from all of the places i want to hang out but usually can't because a cab from them to (my current house in) ballard is $20. i'm going to save money on bus fare because i can ride my bike or walk. i am going to be in shape because my favorite thing in the world is roaming around the hill directionless on a nice afternoon. i am going to try not to eat Top Pot donuts every day (there is one a few blocks away from the new pad).
the new apartment is small. small. very very small. convenience kitchen, no stove or oven.. but a toaster oven and microwave are included. it's sad because i really love to cook, and i especially love to cook for boys that i am crushing on. i guess i'll just have to hook up with a boy who has a nice kitchen (or keep relying on my gay boyfriends to cook with me). the most important part is that it's ALL MINE. i will be ALL ALONE. i will cherish this privacy more than i can put into words.
anyway, i better get dressed. i am working until six, going home to put on a sassy outfit, and rocking out at the croc to USE and the Hold Steady. oh fuck yes. PARTY SHOW OF THE YEAR tonight. and we convinced the architect to come out. cross your fingers.
um okay i don't know you but i automatically love you because of your tattoo of the crayon ponyfish.

Living close to downtown is awesome.