Supposed to be painting the living room some time this week with my cousin Brandy. It is going to be a nice change, I think once it is all finished. I want to paint my room, but I think that will have to wait until fall because the guys are supposed to come over and look to see what was going on with the mold in my room, that is now gone. I think it is phantom mold. Oh, well. This has turned out to be a nice easy summer so far and I think it will continue to be. I haven't had to work very much, which is nice, even though I am pretty much broke now. To me this is what life is about. Just being happy. Not worrying or getting stressed about things. The rib-off is going on next weekend across the street, but I will be up at the lake again. Woot!

Chilling out and being happy, thats definitely what life is all about. Thanks for the set comment!