Okay, I am finally updating my journal. Is everyone happy now! I know I've been a little lazy. I have no excuse either, I wish I did. But, oh well I'm back now! So let's see what's been going on since last time? Partying, working, partying, partying , partying. OK that about sums it up.
No seriously, just been hanging out with the regular crew...
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harvdog just informed me that all the original Rockstars are coming down very soon.

Guess Who

So here I am back in the dreaded working mode. First night back to work last night and it really sucked! Hard to get back into it after having almost a month off! At least they had some mercy and I only have to work 4 days this week!
You know what that means, more time to do what i do best... party like a...
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get outta bed and update!

Stop drunk dialing. I love you man!

Ok, I finally have time to journal today. Why is it that when you go on vacation to relax, you always end up being busier than you would at home?
I guess it's a good thing. I go home on Monday, kind of ready to get back. It's too cold up here!
I hope everyone has a great day!

Hey you,
Those freaks down in the islands were calling me all last night. Twitch got a new house. He will have the internet. Hope to see you soon. You are the only chick that could hang with us.
Those freaks down in the islands were calling me all last night. Twitch got a new house. He will have the internet. Hope to see you soon. You are the only chick that could hang with us.

What's up Rockstar!! deacon is right. No one could handle are partying like you could on our vacation!