I'm keeping my bike, my camera, and my records. Everything else is going on e-bay. Toys, concert t-shirts, old skate boards. Really, who needs stacks of broken boards, who needs to have boxes of toys? They're not going to put my future children through college. Oh, I am keeping my camping equiptment, but that's it. Nothing else!
I think that I'm going back to Ohio for Christmas. It's always good to see my friends and family. I wish that some of them could move Chicago so I could have somebody to hang out with and shoot pool with. Listen to me, the big whining drama queen.
I've been trying for days to get a photo pass for the Clutch, Fu-Manchu, High on Fire show. Now the day has come and I'm still empty handed. Whoa is me.
Unfortunately, things are not working out with my girlfriend and I as far as living together goes. I've had to quickly find a new apartment. I will be moving in the next day or two from Wicker Park to Lakeview. At least I'm not couch surfing. I've never had to do that and I don't want to.
I could possibly be without a phone line... Read More
Got your app to SG Motorcycles. Please post in MY journal a little bit about what you ride, where, how long you've been riding, etc. If you don't currently ride, say something about why you should be a member of SGMC anyway. Anything to let me know you're for real will do. If you know a current SGMC member, have him/her leave me a note in my journal.
The Supersuckers on your band list is enough to give you cred with me, but the rule is that you need to show more participation in the other groups you belong to before making it into the BDSM group. Re-apply in a week or two and I'm sure you'll have enough of a comments history to make the cut.
So I worked at a camera store for a long time. We would have people drop off all kinds of film to be developed. This one girl drops off all this film from her wedding. The little throw-away cameras that you would leave on the tables for guest to use. Every roll is pictures of happy friends and reletives, except for the last three picture... Read More
Ok, So this other time this guy comes in and says he has some photos with nudity. We don't care. We've seen it all. We thought.This guy says it's "a littlte weird". The prints come out and it's him, sucking himself off. No shit. When he came back, he asked what we thought and we all had to agree that we had never seen anything like that before. He just smiled and left.
Ok, ok, I'll try and post a picture of myself in the next day or so. I'm a photographer, so I have thousands of images of everything else. I can count the pictures of me on one hand. I'll run over to the Rainbo and get in the old photo booth.
[Edited on Aug 14, 2005 11:08AM]
[Edited on Aug 14, 2005 11:10AM]
[Edited on Aug 21, 2005 8:59AM]