not having a car is actually really nice. my tattoo is flaking away like hell now and i'm trying to be a good little girl and not scratch any. oh, i still have to take a pic of it, too.
David, if you are out there, you need to get a subscription to SG so we can keep up with each other. and i'm sorry i quit, but i had to
so i love you guys kiss kiss
David, if you are out there, you need to get a subscription to SG so we can keep up with each other. and i'm sorry i quit, but i had to

so i love you guys kiss kiss
i lived on the southside up (mountain gap hahah) up until i was 18, then i lived off sparkman.
canada is great! minus the fact i'm still a u.s citizen, so i dont' get the free health care. toronto is so much fun and really fucking diverse. you'd probably love it here.
it's so expensive though. rent is insane, and you live in the 'ghetto'. and the apartments are soooo small too.
we're actually moving back to huntsville at the begining of next year for a bit. should be nice to actually have money again though!