Holy Crap Batman! I am SOOO excited! I can barely contain myself. I just got notice of an interview for this super competitive graduate program that I am applying for. The interview will be at the end of this month. I had been stressing lately (in anticipation of letters going out) that I wouldn't get an interview. And hence not get in. But guess what? I GOT AN INTERVIEW. And actually this is my second interview that I have received notice for. Both of the schools I have heard from are in Houston, which is good. But I am also applying to one in Virginia, one in Chicago, and one in New York. Gotta diversify my options. The idea of change is always welcome.
On another note, Big Brother has made his presence very known at work. And he keeps slapping my hand for "profanity" in work emails. I used the word "ass" in an email and they assigned 5 points to this word and intercepted the email. Yesterday, I used the word twat as in "twat does that mean?" That earned me 10 points and an interception. Geez, don't these people have better things to do? I was tempted to send an email with all kinds of colorful language just to see what happens when the points really rack up. I feel so Violated, too.
Fun things to come: Austin this weekend to get more drilling done by ymonster, which I am definitely looking forward to. I might also go to a Russian New Years party this weekend. I think I might dress as wonder woman just for the hell of it. After all, they have a tramboline. And the next weekend, I'm going to have a Whiney Vagina party. We are going to paint a vagina on my ceiling (for the baby kid I have to pop out of) and drink wine. Should be lots of fun.
On another note, Big Brother has made his presence very known at work. And he keeps slapping my hand for "profanity" in work emails. I used the word "ass" in an email and they assigned 5 points to this word and intercepted the email. Yesterday, I used the word twat as in "twat does that mean?" That earned me 10 points and an interception. Geez, don't these people have better things to do? I was tempted to send an email with all kinds of colorful language just to see what happens when the points really rack up. I feel so Violated, too.
Fun things to come: Austin this weekend to get more drilling done by ymonster, which I am definitely looking forward to. I might also go to a Russian New Years party this weekend. I think I might dress as wonder woman just for the hell of it. After all, they have a tramboline. And the next weekend, I'm going to have a Whiney Vagina party. We are going to paint a vagina on my ceiling (for the baby kid I have to pop out of) and drink wine. Should be lots of fun.
So far? How far is too far? I'm drunk so don't pay me any extraordinary attention.

congrats on the interview and it sounds like your job sucks you should write that colorful e-mail